It started as the desire to complete just one 10K to say I did it. A few weeks into my training, a relationship came to an end and I lost my job. Those training runs quickly became my best friends as I sorted through the losses and uncertainty. Now, more than 4 years, training for 5 half marathons, and one knee surgery later, the challenges I have taken on in running have helped me understand that I can take on, and conquer, whatever lies in my path ahead.

Friday, June 13, 2008

I had no horse!

That's how I felt on my planned 6 miles yesterday. It was supposed to be a tempo run, but after the 1st mile warm up and 2 at tempo, I was dying. Dead legs, felt like I was running in waist deep water. Decided to go out and back for a 4th mile and call it, but ended up doing a shorter loop that put me closer to 5 miles. It was 90 and high humidity, so some conditioning and better hydration are in order I think


Al's CL Reviews said...

Ugh! I am tired just reading that.

Viv said...

Great on the 5 Thorny! I don't know what to do with the hydration. It seems like I take too much water in then get sloshy feeling.

Delane said...

Your a better woman than me today..I've done nada...ya know i'm resting my calves....STILL!

Aka Alice said...

I LOVE your post title! We all have days like that...where our legs feel like least I have plenty of them.

Running in humidity also? I HAAAAATE that! You're awesome for running 5 in it.